
Monday, April 8, 2019

The interesting topic Essay Example for Free

The interesting topic EssayThe grade criteria should be available to reardidates whilst completing the task. The quality of pen communication will be assessed in the judgements and shutdown section. The total number of marks for this unit is 45. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES This document consists of 8 pages. Any blank pages atomic number 18 indicated. Teachers atomic number 18 responsible for ensuring that assessment is carried break against the Controlled sound judgment set for the relevant examination series (detailed above). Assessment evidence produced that does not reflect the relevant examination series will not be accepted. OCR 2010 Y/600/3256 DC (AC/DJ) 64632/1 OCR is an exempt Charity Turn over 2 The purpose of this unit is to carry out a pragmatical investigation of a topic chosen from a set of options supplied by OCR. In the course of the investigation, there will be an opportunity to look in depth at an look of computing that goes beyond the base matter out lined in A451. The tasks will require a momentous element of practical activity, which must be evidenced in the report and which will spirt a major element of the assessment.The topics will enable practical investigation and some supplementary research to be carried out in a variety of ways. These will include, but are not restricted to practical investigations with hardware or software practical investigations with online resources Supplementary research whitethorn be requi deprivation and resources may include ne dickensrk-based enquiry contact with IT professionals research exploitation calculating machine industry publications OCR 2010 A452 Jan13/Jun15 3 Candidates should complete all(prenominal) tasks. Validating web conformitys Many web sites collect information from people using forms.These forms can be put together using hypertext markup language form objects. The data entered is normally sent back to the web server where it is processed by database software. It is always a good idea if the data entered into a computer system is supportd in order to reduce the number of errors that occur. A lot of this validation can be carried out at the client end of the process. In other words, processing can be carried out by the browser. There are various ways in which this can be done. A common way is to write scripts that intercept the input data and check it before it is submitted to the server.There are various scripting languages that can be used to write the necessary validation routines. A popular display case is JavaScript. Most browsers are able to interpret JavaScript. JavaScript, just like other elements of a web page, is vanquish written using a plain text editor such as Notepad. Scripts can be embedded in a web page or saved separately as JavaScript files, using the extension js. The web page can advance these scripts when needed. Here is the starting point for a form that collects information about exam entries. File Edit View Histor y Bookmarks ToolsHelp http//exam submission. net mental test entry tryout Entry Form Name Subject Submit Reset Fig. 1 It contains two text boxes. When the Submit button is clicked, a script checks that both boxes have been filled in. Here is the HTML code that lies behind the form and the JavaScript code that does the validation. Exam entry function validateForm() var result = on-key var msg= if (document. ExamEntry. name. value==) msg+=You must enter your name document. ExamEntry. name. focus() document. getElementById(name). style. color=red result = false OCR 2010A452 Jan13/Jun15 Turn over 4 if (document. ExamEntry. subject. value==) msg+=You must enter the subject document. ExamEntry. subject. focus() document. getElementById(subject). style. color=red result = false if(msg==) return result alert(msg) return result Exam Entry Form Name Subject In order to work, the page needs to have access to a second HTML file called success. html. Its purpose is to test the code. It just needs four lines supremacy message You entered all the data required OCR 2010 A452 Jan13/Jun15 5 Your assignment 1.Describe how this HTML code produces the form displayed in the browser (Fig. 1). 2. Describe how the JavaScript function performs the validation check. 3. Describe how the HTML calls the validation routine. 4. (i) Add other text field to the form to take the substance ab drug users examination number. (ii) Extend the Javascript code to validate this field to make sure that it is not left blank. (iii) Extend the Javascript code to make sure that the users examination number is exactly 4 digits. crap evidence to show that you have planned, written and tested your code. 5.Add a set of radio buttons to the form to accept a level of entry such as GCSE, AS or A2. Write a function that displays the level of entry to the user in an alert box so that the level can be confirmed or rejected. Produce evidence to show that you have planned, written and tested your code. 6. Produce an evaluation of your solutions. 7. Write a certainty about the effectiveness of JavaScript validation routines to reduce the number of errors that are made in data input. OCR 2010 A452 Jan13/Jun15 6 BLANK PAGE OCR 2010 A452 Jan13/Jun15 7 BLANK PAGE OCR 2010 A452 Jan13/Jun158 right of first publication Information OCR is committed to seek permission to reproduce all third-party content that it uses in its assessment literals. OCR has attempted to identify and contact all right of first publication holders whose work is used in this paper. To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright sleep withments are reproduced in the OCR Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations, is given to all schools that receive assessment material and is freely available to download from our public website (www.ocr. org. uk) after the live examination series. If OCR has unwittingly failed to adjustly acknowledge or clear any third-party content in this assessment material, OCR will be happy to correct its mistake at the earliest possible opportunity. For queries or further information please contact the Copyright Team, First Floor, 9 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1GE. OCR is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local Examinations kinfolk (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge. OCR 2010

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